Custom Handwritten Character Recognition > Go to project
This project was designed to use the EMNIST Dataset to create a custom model for classifying the following target characters, as well as artificially constructed characters with a strikethrough:
- TARGET_CLASSES = [‘0’,’1’,’2’,’3’,’4’,’5’,’C’,’M’,’V’,’X’]
- STRIKETHROUGH_CLASSES = [‘0_s’,’1_s’,’2_s’,’3_s’,’4_s’,’5_s’,’V_s’]
The EMNIST data can be found at EMNIST and was imported the TFDS API.
- Loaded data through the TFDS API using builder.as_data_source() as data is in ArrayDataSource format.
- Filtered data by Target Classes and creates artificially constructure Strikethrough Classes.
- Prepared Data for training including normalizing images and one hot encoding labels.
- Viewed samples to verify clean data.
- Create a baseline model and performed a series of experiments, including Batch Normalization, Dropout, and adding complexity to avoids overfitting.
- Used Data Augmentation on final model to mimic real world data.
- Produced a final model based on experiments and tested on data.
We successfully created a model which predicted a class with 99.5% accuracy.