Topher Collins


Data Analyst and Data Scientist

Proficient in Python, R, SQL, TensorFlow and Scikit-learn

Dungeons & Dragons nerd, founder of

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Zombie Survival > Go to project

A simple python text-based game of survival, resource management and strategic deision making.

Game Overview

Zombie Survival is a game designed for 1 to 4 players, where each player is a member of a camp collecting resource and fighting against zombie attacks. The objective is survive for ten days by gathering resource on scavenging missions during the day and defending against zombie attacks during the night. Any players remaining at the end of the ten days win.


The game was built using fundamentals of Object-Orientated Programming. Models are created for Players, Locations and Camp which each inherits resource attributes from an overall GameEntity class and then adds specific attributes for each class. Design operates from small functions for gameplay mechanics, larger functions to operate the 4 main stages of gameplay and a master function to runs the game loop.

Computer Players & Decision Making

Analysing Best Choices


Computer Player Personalities

Resource Management

Players must scavenge and manage 3 key resources:


Health Chart:


At the start of the game the camp begins with:

Throughout the game if there are zombie attacks, player health issues and daily food consumption. In each instance camp resources are the first to be used. If the camp don’t not have sufficent resources then player may use their own personal resources. Player may choose to help other players who do not have personal resources, but do not have to.


There are 12 game locations with a variety of different resources. At the beginning of the game, locations are randomly selected as Easy (4 locations), Medium (4 locations) and Hard (4 locations).


During the day players choose locations of varying difficulty to collect resources. Outcomes are decided by rolling of a d6 dice.

Mission Roll Chart:

  1. Disaster - Player receives a severe injury and fails to collect any resources.
  2. Bad - Player receives a minor injury and collects only half resources.
  3. Complication - Player may choose between receving a minor injury or collecting only half resourcs.
  4. Success - Player may collect as many resources as they can carry.
  5. Success - Player may collect as many resources as they can carry.
  6. Perfect - Player may collect as many resources as they can carry and also collect one extra resource of their choice.

End of Day

At the end of the day each player must consume 1 food token or lose 1 health point.

Zombie Attacks - If zombies attack player must fight back with weapons, a weapon token must be used for every zombie that attacks. If there are insufficent weapons to fight back then a random player dies.

Daily Event Roll Chart:

  1. Major Zombie Attack - 3xd6 Zombies attack.
  2. Zombie Attack - 2xd6 Zombies attack.
  3. Lesser Zombie Attack - 1xd6 Zombies attack.
  4. Camp Illness - Each player must use 1 medicine token or lose 1 health point.
  5. Quiet Night - No event.
  6. Quiet Night - No event.